To begin this dish, lightly oiled slices of eggplant are spread on a tray and baked. Far easier than cooking them the conventional way (in batches in a...
Delicious, elegant, and flavorful layered eggplant dish. Wonderful presentation for guests! Delicious alongside pasta with fresh tomato and basil sauce....
This recipe is one of many I have discovered to utilize the bountiful eggplant crop my garden has produced this year. The kids will even love eggplant...
The sweetness of grilled vegetables is balanced by a tart tomato sauce, which mixes perfectly with simple couscous. Preferably use a heavy grill pan. If...
My mom used to make this all the time when we were growing up, and it is fabulous. It is inexpensive to serve a large crowd, hearty enough to please vegetarians...
My mom used to make this all the time when we were growing up, and it is fabulous. It is inexpensive to serve a large crowd, hearty enough to please vegetarians...
This is a simple and easy lunch or dinner recipe for chicken curry with kabocha pumpkin and eggplant. It's delicious, and the ingredients used are simple...
The sweetness of grilled vegetables is balanced by a tart tomato sauce, which mixes perfectly with simple couscous. Preferably use a heavy grill pan. If...
The sweetness of grilled vegetables is balanced by a tart tomato sauce, which mixes perfectly with simple couscous. Preferably use a heavy grill pan. If...
One of the most fabulous one dish meals ever! Eggplant baked casserole style layered with seasoned vegetables and Swiss cheese. Bread, a green salad, wine...
One of the most fabulous one dish meals ever! Eggplant baked casserole style layered with seasoned vegetables and Swiss cheese. Bread, a green salad, wine...
This oven-fried eggplant is a delicious alternative to deep-fried eggplant; easy and quick to make in the oven! Came up with this idea when looking for...
I made this up last night looking for something to do with a bag of beautiful baby eggplants I got. They were purple eggplants, but smallish. They were...
Great for parties easy to make .. unusual and yet so yummy! If you want the melted chocolate to be sweeter, stir in some sweetened condensed milk to suit...
Great for parties easy to make .. unusual and yet so yummy! If you want the melted chocolate to be sweeter, stir in some sweetened condensed milk to suit...
I made this up last night looking for something to do with a bag of beautiful baby eggplants I got. They were purple eggplants, but smallish. They were...
One of the most fabulous one dish meals ever! Eggplant baked casserole style layered with seasoned vegetables and Swiss cheese. Bread, a green salad, wine...
One of the most fabulous one dish meals ever! Eggplant baked casserole style layered with seasoned vegetables and Swiss cheese. Bread, a green salad, wine...
The sweetness of grilled vegetables is balanced by a tart tomato sauce, which mixes perfectly with simple couscous. Preferably use a heavy grill pan. If...
I had a super dish once at a famous and trendy London restaurant back in the 80's - this is my interpretation. Serve with greens like spinach or a simple...
I made this up last night looking for something to do with a bag of beautiful baby eggplants I got. They were purple eggplants, but smallish. They were...
I had a super dish once at a famous and trendy London restaurant back in the 80's - this is my interpretation. Serve with greens like spinach or a simple...